Six Mile Cypress Slough Field Trip
December 15, 2018 @ 8:00AM — 12:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The entire Lee County Preserve is over 3,500 acres of intermingled wetland and upland ecosystems.
A Slough is a long, narrow wetland with slowly flowing freshwater. The appearance of the Slough changes with the seasons from dry (October-May) to wet (June-September). During the rainy time of year, the Slough catches and slowly filters rainwater on its way towards Estero Bay. Animals adapted to life in wetlands, like alligators, turtles, otters, and wading birds, live at the Slough year-round. Additionally, many types of migratory birds use the Slough as a rest stop and feeding area.Six Mile Cypress Slough has lakes, swamp, boardwalk and nature center. Warblers and waders possible.
Meet at Six Mile Cypress Slough parking lot.
Trip Leader: Six Mile Cypress Slough Volunteer
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